Companion Caregivers

We Understand Senior Companion Care

Seniors connect with people they like. People who share the same interests. With that in mind, we select individual caregivers with the personality and experience to handle your specific case. And our owner is an expert in healthcare recruiting. Once hired, all of our caregivers are trained in senior companion care.

Multi-Point Background Check

  • Our rigorous vetting of each prospective caregiver assures confidence in our clients’ companions. 
  • We comply with all federal and local laws so you don’t have to.
  • You get only the best, most compassionate and knowledgeable companions who specialize in elder care.
Multi-Point Background Check

Caregiver Client Matching

  • We start with a free, comprehensive assessment of a client’s lifestyle, hobbies, food preferences, and general outlook on life.
  • Then we carefully select a caregiver with the personality and experience to handle your specific case, one who shares your loved one’s interests, values, and leisure. 
  • Because of this relationship, the bond between caregiver and companion grows. Clients trust their caregivers and look forward to their visits. 
Caregiver Client Matching

Personalized Service Plans

  • We get to know our client’s story intimately to give them the best service plan. 
  • The plan is non-transactional, which means we’re in constant contact with the family and client helping them put together the pieces of an active senior life. 
  • Clients get better care and families peace of mind because our warmhearted senior home companions are personally connected and  involved in their clients’ lives. 
Personalized Service Plans

99.9% Show Rate

  • The average show-rate for a home care agency is 70-75%. The Noble Companion caregivers show-rate is 99.9%! 
  • Loving relationships and trust are built with people who are consistently there. 
  • Families don’t get their schedules interrupted filling in for missing caregivers, saving time and frustrating inconvenience. 
99.9% Show Rate

Rapid Response

  • Management at Noble Companion talks to your caregivers daily both online and by phone. 
  • Problems are caught and dealt with when they happen. They don’t escalate into bad feelings or lingering resentment. Or even worse, avoidable emergencies.
  • A client’s caregiver isn’t alone. They are not the only ones taking care of your loved one. The whole company is on board focused and supportive.
Rapid Response